Monday 26 January 2015

New quilt for 2015

Hi all:

I get emails everyday for "Quilter's Daily Deals" from the Missouri Star Quilt Company. I am sure a lot of you also get these daily deals sent to your inbox.  I really enjoy looking at these deals and reading the little stories to go with them, but have never bought one until about 2 weeks ago.  When this one found its way into my inbox, I couldn't help myself.  

The daily deal was for a Kaffee Fasset jelly roll in "Tide".  Well, when I saw it, I just had to have it.  I really like pre-cuts; jelly rolls and charm packs.  They make designing a quilt so much easier and I really like how they make a quilt look "patchy"; as if thrown together from scraps you had lying around. Well, as soon as I saw this daily deal, I had visions of jelly roll strips, dancing in my head! I like to use larger pieces of fabric to show off the fabric design; I am not a huge fan of piecing small, fiddly bits of fabric to make a design. It seems to me, that defeats the purpose of having a lovely fabric design in the first place. (just my opinion!)

Even though I am really busy with school (4 classes this semester) I set about sewing up those jelly roll strips as soon as I got them. I have been sewing up a storm the past 2 days and this is what I have so far.

I fell in love with this dot print. It made me buy this jelly roll!
Here, I am trying to place the strips in a pleasing arrangement. I wanted an ombré effect.
I love Kaffee Fasset's vibrant colours, don't you?
These haven't been sewn yet. I am just trying this design out.  I made a mistake in cutting some of the strip squares and cut them the wrong way. That just figures!!! It never fails... I seem to always make mistakes somewhere in the quilts I make!!
Alternate arrangement.
I like how you can see a diagonal swath of green beside the purple/blues.
I haven't made all of the triangles yet. They are still to be cut.
I was checking online for some design ideas and found a beautiful quilt on Pinterest that seemed perfect for this jelly roll.  The only directions I could find were:  sew 8 strips together; square up the sides; cut the squares at a 45 degree angle to make triangles; mix and match the triangles.

Here is the original quilt I saw on Fancy Tiger Crafts. I love how simple it is, yet has a lot of impact.

How can you resist such a pretty quilt?  I hope mine turns out as nice as hers! (Apparently, this was her first quilt.)

I will post more pictures once I have made more progress.  Wish me luck!


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