Thursday 6 August 2015

When life hands you lemons, make.........

Devilled Eggs!!

Some people may assume the answer to that old adage is "lemonade" but I am here to prove those people wrong. The answer to life's trials, is devilled eggs.

Up until a few years ago, I wouldn't have been caught dead eating a devilled egg, let alone eating it anywhere outside my own home. ( I had a phobia against eating those or egg salad sandwiches or drinking milk outside the confines of my own home.  It was all about the dairy products picking up weird tastes from someone else's fridge. Can anyone else relate?)

Fast forward to about 5 years ago, when I was in charge of organizing the food for the 75th anniversary celebration of the community band I play with. (New Westminster and District Concert Band). I ordered platters of all the standard fare you would find at such an event from Thrifty Foods and had to feed about 175 people. (I can't remember the exact number of people, but it was a lot!!) I had to provide sandwiches and side dishes for everyone and Thrifty's suggested their devilled eggs as an accompaniment to the sandwiches, vegetable and fruit platters, pickles and olives. I winced at the thought; after all, I wouldn't have to eat them, but they assured me that their devilled eggs were very popular, everyone loved them and they always disappeared quickly.  I gave in, ordered the devilled eggs along with the other food and never gave them another thought until the day of the event.

Well, suffice to say, those devilled eggs disappeared like hotcakes!!! Before the last one "met its maker", I managed to try one for myself.  I was converted!!! It was cold and creamy and tasty and I vowed then and there, that I would never be afraid to try boiled eggs or egg salad again.  Since then, I have bought those Thrifty's devilled eggs myself and have even ordered egg salad sandwiches for lunch.  I have come a long way.

Today, I made up my own recipe for devilled eggs. They are great on a nice piece of artisan bread for a light summer dinner,  so I decided to make some tonight.  Add a pickle and some fresh vegetables on the side and your dinner is served.

Here is the quick recipe:

Devilled Eggs

6  - Eggs  - hard boiled ( I used Born3- omega 3 eggs. They taste the best and have a beautiful orange yolk)
2 Tablespoons mayonnaise
Paprika - a few pinches
Crispy fried onions (I found a container of these at IKEA, of all places, but French's fried onions are the same)

Cook the eggs in boiling water for about 20 minutes and then immerse in cold ice water until the eggs have cooled completely.
Peel the hard boiled eggs and cut them in half  lengthwise, with a sharp knife. Make sure you clean the knife after every cut, or the next egg will not cut cleanly.  Scoop out the cooked yolk into a small bowl. I used a small teaspoon.  Add the paprika, mayonnaise and salt to taste.  Mix with the teaspoon until all combined and then drop teaspoonfuls of the yolk mixture back into the egg white "boats". Usually a better chef than I, would take the time and pipe in a fancy design with the yolk mixture, but as I am not Anthony Bourdain, I just added a dollop from the teaspoon. Add the crispy fried onions to the top and there you have it.  Yum!

Don't be afraid to try these. They are a good way to use up eggs that are expiring soon. I used to think these were so time consuming and fancy.  Let everyone THINK they are.



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