Friday 14 June 2013


.I am going to call this quilt "Summertime" because it seems so fresh and alive, after those dreary, long winter and spring months.

It is raining today, so the pictures won't seem very vibrant but I hope you can see some of the soft pastel colours in it.

I wanted to make something in pastels and didn't want it to take a long time.  I can be a bit impatient so I wanted it to sew up really quickly.  

I happened upon a local quilt shop that was going out of business, so I raced over there and bought a jelly roll of pastels to match some of the "Canadian Cottage" fabric and charms squares that were left in the store.  You can see the words to our National Anthem, in some of the squares.  I loved the Canadian Cottage line and was sad that there was not a lot of it left.

I used strips of the jelly roll fabric and luckily the width matched the charm squares perfectly, so I did not have to do a lot of cutting.  My kind of quilt!!!!!

I alternated long strips and squares into some type of design and lo and behold...... It turned out rather nicely.

I seem to really like patchy quilts; you know, when it truly looks like you are using whatever leftover fabric you have "just lying around the house".  To me, that speaks "Quilt".

I also like to incorporate some type of "mistake" into each quilt.  I was taught that in the quilting class I took, but I can't remember why that is.  Is it for good luck?  Anyways, I seem to never have a problem adding in a mistake, since I seem to screw something up along the way anyways!  I should have tons of good luck coming my way very soon, if my quilts are any indication of that!! (Did you notice in my "Oh Canada, Eh?" Quilt, that one of the maple leaves is turned the other way and is made up of leftover scraps of the other fabrics? A mistake that works!!!!)

Enjoy these pictures.

1 comment:

  1. GORGEOUS with a capital "GORG". I LOVE this vintage feel, with so subtle colours: all very faded and beautiful. How do you do all the top stitching like that? (I'm no 'quilter'.) Sorry, I can't see your backwards maple leaf...?! What you talkin' 'bout Willis? / Happy stitching. / HOLA from


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